
Data Source

Our data source is from kaggle website. This dataset covers detailed information on 731 superheroes and villains from various comic universes. It includes a wide range of attributes such as capability statistics, biographical information, physical appearance, and affiliations. The data was collected using the SuperHero API.The original dataset is called superheroes_data.

Data Cleaning Process

However, we are not interested in each variables in superheroes_data dataset. In addition, some of the data in this original dataset is not readable and analyzable. As a result, we conducted the following data cleaning process:

  • When importing data, we set “NA”, “.”, ““,”null”, and “-” as missing values;

  • We harmonized the height of heroes in cm and their weight in kg;

  • We marked heroes with a height and weight of 0 as missing values: they are meaningless;

  • If a hero has two hair colors or two eye colors (e.g. Blue/Yellow), we marked this color as ‘Dual Color’;

  • We also reclassified some categorical variables. Specifically, if a publisher contains only one hero, then the publisher to which this hero belongs will be noted as ‘Others’. We did the same for the variables alignment, eye_color, and hair_color.

  • We selected only the variables we were interested and deleted aliases, base, occupation, group_affiliation, relatives, alter_egos, place_of_birth, first_appearance, race. These variables are documented in a way that is difficult to read and difficult to clean.

superheroes_df <- read_csv(
  na = c("NA", ".", "", "null", "-")
) |>
  janitor::clean_names() |>
    height_cm = str_extract(height, "\\d+(?= cm)") |> as.numeric(),
    height_cm = if_else(height_cm == 0, NA_real_, height_cm),
    weight_kg = str_extract(weight, "\\d+(?= kg)") |> as.numeric(),
    weight_kg = if_else(weight_kg == 0, NA_real_, weight_kg),
    hair_color = if_else(str_detect(hair_color, "/"), "Dual Color", hair_color),
    eye_color = str_remove_all(eye_color, "\\(.*?\\)") |> str_trim(),
    eye_color = if_else(str_detect(eye_color, "/"), "Dual Color", eye_color)
  ) |>
    where(is.character) & !any_of("url"), 
    ~ str_to_title(.)
  )) |>
    -aliases, -height, -weight, -base, -occupation, -group_affiliation, -relatives, -alter_egos, -place_of_birth, -first_appearance, -race

superheros <- superheroes_df

publisher_counts <- superheros |>
  group_by(publisher) |>
  summarise(hero_count = n()) |>

single_hero_publishers <- filter(publisher_counts, hero_count == 1) |>

superheros <- superheros |>
  mutate(publisher = ifelse(publisher %in% single_hero_publishers, "Others", publisher))

alignment_counts <- superheros |>
  group_by(alignment) |>
  summarise(hero_count = n()) |>

gender_counts <- superheros |>
  group_by(gender) |>
  summarise(hero_count = n()) |>

eye_color_counts <- superheros |>
  group_by(eye_color) |>
  summarise(hero_count = n()) |>

single_hero_eye_color <- filter(eye_color_counts, hero_count == 1) |>

superheros <- superheros |>
  mutate(eye_color = ifelse(eye_color %in% single_hero_eye_color, "Others", eye_color))

hair_color_counts <- superheros |>
  group_by(hair_color) |>
  summarise(hero_count = n()) |>

single_hero_hair_color <- filter(hair_color_counts, hero_count == 1) |>

superheros <- superheros |>
  mutate(hair_color = ifelse(hair_color %in% single_hero_hair_color, "Others", hair_color))

Cleaned Dataset

The cleaned dataset is tidy, readable and analyzable. It includes the following variables:

  • id: A unique identifier for each character.

  • name: The superhero’s alias or code name.

  • intelligence: A numerical representation of the character’s intelligence level.

  • strength: A numerical value representing the character’s physical strength.

  • speed: A numerical representation of how fast the character can move.

  • durability: A measure of the character’s resilience and ability to withstand damage.

  • power: A numerical value representing the character’s overall power or abilities.

  • combat: A score depicting the character’s combat skills and experience.

  • full-name: The character’s real or full name, as opposed to their superhero alias.

  • publisher: The company responsible for creating and publishing the character.

  • alignment: Whether the character is good, evil, or neutral.

  • gender: The gender of the character.

  • height_cm: The character’s height, given in centimeters.

  • weight_kg: The character’s weight, provided in kilograms.

  • eye-color: The color of the character’s eyes.

  • hair-color: The color of the character’s hair.

  • url: A link to an image of the character or more detailed information.

Click here to explore these superhero attributes!